Author: Femke Goedhart
Femke Goedhart is a Business Consultant helping organizations and users making sense of their corporative collaboration & communication environments.

May Meetup: How do Working Out Loud and Community Management enable ESNs?
When working community-based, Community Managers show how to live this way of collaboration and leadership as well as support, organize and enable communities to cooperate best. But how to learn this? The Working Out Loud (WOL) circle method can pave the way to improve connectedness, to become more […]

Automatic Lock/unlock on opening files
HCL released a new version of the HCL Connections desktop plugins last month (March 23rd 2022) that included a new feature: auto locking. Now back in the day when we still had CCM, the automatic prompt to checkout a file or not on opening was a great thing […]

To Doc or not to Doc… Global ambassadors call
This months edition of the global super users / ambassadors call we will be kicking off with the theme of To Doc or not to Doc… Do you use Docs with your HCL Connections or not? And why? What options are there and what are the needs for […]

February HCL Connections Super Users meetup: Why do people struggle with open knowledge sharing?
We have a topic (and challenge!) for our February meetup that has come up during previous meetups more than once: Getting people to share their knowledge openly and the things that keep them from doing so. So we figured it was about time to tackle it! And who […]

Engage is moved!
Due to still lingering covid-19 perils and uncertainties the Engage Benelux user group event was moved from March to May this year. If you’re involved with HCL products and not aware of this event then please take note as this is the event to go to! The whole […]

January HCL Connections super user meeting: All about Tasks & To Do’s!
What is the role of tasks and To Do's in a modern ESN like HCL Connections, what are the challenges and how do Activities, Activities Plus and Huddo Boards fill a gap or compete with other systems within your organization like Jira, notes tasks, Trello or other tools that users have at their disposal? Join...

December Super User meetup – “Tight control or Free for all?”
This months HCL Connections Super User / Ambassador call will be all about whether to keep tight control or giving your user full control. What are the benefits and downsides of for instance restricting the ability to create blogs or communities and what can you do to make […]

October 2021 Super users Meetup: Benefits of absence!
This months super users / guide call for HCL Connections will be all about how to use HCL Connections ‘in the light of things absent’. For instance, there could be things absent or missing from: The product itself (e.g. features that get taken out or not complete enough…) […]

Getting back together!
Summer is drawing to an end and therefore it’s time again to get back to the realities of work. Not that that is a bad thing! As it is also the time to start exploring new ideas and new inspirations with a fresh attitude. So what better than […]

open mindedness
Note! I found the text from this post below while cleaning up some folders. It was a text I wrote to post as a blog post almost exactly 3 years ago but somehow I never posted it… I think I wasn’t pleased with it or didn’t think it […]