This months super users / guide call for HCL Connections will be all about how to use HCL Connections ‘in the light of things absent’.
For instance, there could be things absent or missing from:
- The product itself (e.g. features that get taken out or not complete enough…)
- From needed functionalities not covered by other tools (e.g. “Our organization doesn’t have an intranet!”)
- Or by organizational elements (“I changed roles and now I have no Connections anymore!”)
The absence of solutions usually makes people inventive and come up with their own. And often HCL Connections can play a role there. So, how do you and your users adept, invent or deal with the absence of things and how does ‘absence’ and the subsequent needs for being creative benefit the user experience in HCL Connections?
Our guest to kick off the discussion this time will be Dr.-Ing. Carsten Rose. Carsten is a manager for digital solutions at Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG and will tell us all about his experiences and challenges.

Want to join? Do! The meeting/discussion is open to anyone with an affinity or opinion on HCL Connections. Whether you are experienced or not.
Meeting details
October 28th 2021 16:00 CEDT
Location (online):
Meeting ID: 957 9494 1629
Find your local number:
Or scan the below QR code to add it to your calendar immediately:

For whom is this call?
The Global Ambassador / Super User call started as an initiative by Joerg Rafflenbeul and Femke Goedhart to bring together people who within their own organizations are (or consider themselves) advocates, super users or ambassadors for the HCL Connections platform. To discuss and exchange information around the platform and challenges encountered while getting it to be adopted by your organizations. It is open to all who are interested, work with it or are interested in the user enablement/adoption topic. Meetings take place once every 4-5 weeks via an online meeting.
Got a story to share? We always like to kick off our calls with a 5 min intro by one of the participants explaining about their situation and challenges. So reach out to one of us if you would like to do that in one of our next meetings!