Social Media Week & IBM's new approach to collaborative intelligence gathering

It’s Social Media Week! Did you know? Ok, I’ll admit I didn’t either until it was pointed out to me. But there are some really interesting experiments going on this week around the topic ‘Social’. IBM is joining in and performing a Smarter Commerce Scan. An experiment where […]

Get in touch!

You would think that getting in touch with people has become a whole lot easier since we’ve all become so ‘social’. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Connections, IM, chats, etc. You could even say that in some cases it’s hard NOT to. But still I find that really getting ‘in […]

Early Adopter

I got a baby card in the mail this weekend from a good friend that just had his first son. Nothing special there, it listed the obvious details as name, date of birth, weight and length as well as the normal visiting hours for baby & mum. What […]

Social media frenzy and Obama's death

So the last few weeks we’ve been seeing somewhat of a Social Media frenzy among Social Media users. With Google+ going live (nicely hyping it by limiting access calling it a ‘beta’), Facebook reacting with its new Video chat functionality and Twitter…. Well Twitter kept silent. The only […]

Google+….. Searching for the plus….

After waiting impatiently for days to get into Google+ I got in. Excited to check out all the new features I started exploring. That took me about 10 minutes. “Is that it?“…. Yep that was it. Than real life caught up with me along with a major workflow […]

Could I offer you; another social network?

I’ll admit it, I’m really curious to see what the Google+ project is all about! No, I don’t have an invitation and judging on this post I probably will have to wait a while before I get one. But when I do I will certainly give it a […]

Feedback? You bet!

With Google heading in a new and possible exiting direction with its Google+ project and their new Me on the Web tool I was checking out some of the new features and stumbled upon the Google Profile. Not something I had ever seen before (even though it supposedly […]

Worldwide use of Social Networking

Interesting visualization of Social Network penetration world wide by Global Web Index. The Netherlands scores average when it comes to content sharing & messaging but considerable less when it comes to joining/creating groups. Not something I would have expected! Most notable though I find are the figures for […]

Twitter DM's not private…. Weiner watch out!

Applications can use the Twitter API  to get you to grant them access to your twitter account without having to share your username and password. You would expect your DM’s to be excluded though by default from the information (eg. Tweets, Favs, Lists, etc) that applications can than […]

Smart ways to use Twitter commercially

Twitter is a lovely tool to keep in touch with your friends, customers and contacts and learn what they are doing. But how can you use it for business purposes? I had a discussion with some of my colleagues and a fellow Business Partner recently about this. Because […]