Second day at NLLUG, the Silversidecrew is ready to go! (Kasia, Effy, Robbert)

NerdGirls in Amsterdam

In two weeks time NLLUG the biggest Lotus event of the year in The Netherlands will  take place in the Amsterdam Arena. There is a real buzz surrounding the NLLUG already if you follow twitter and several of the blogs and for good reason! The line up is […]

LCTY – Silverside

For everyone interested in knowing what was said at Lotusphere 2010: The date and location of our Silverside LCTY session is set! Lotus Comes To You  with special speaker Douglas Spencer – IBM USA Date: 31 maart 2010 Location: Expo, Houten starting at 13:00 Sign in here With […]

Lotus Knows video

Ok, it’s been a couple of weeks already but I still get the vibe when watching this video that was shown at the closing session of Lotusphere 2010…

Lotussphere 2010

So OK, I’ve already mentioned Lotusphere 2010 was the inspiration for this weblog so the logical first blog would of course be on….. Lotusphere 2010! What can I tell you, my mind is still trying to find it’s way back to earth after being in the ‘cloud’ for […]